I. CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman Steve Howard at 1700 hours. Members present: Steve Howard, Bill Britton, George Owen, Mike Williams and Larry Helsley. Member absent: None. Others present: Chief Smith, Assistant Chief Alvord, Legal Advisor David Hammer, Dana Ryan, Hazard Reduction Coordinator Mike McMillan, Sleeper Jeffrey Hamilton, Firefighter Howard and Clerk Marjie Maddox.
A. Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting August 3, 2010 -
B. Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries– MSC: Helsley/Owen to approve consent agenda as presented.
A. Discuss/Approve hydrant variance for Paige Place across from the Victorian Inn, requested by Dana Ryan – Chief Smith reported that Mr. Ryan is building on Paige Place; he will be sprinkling the building and will need a variance to allow the hydrant to be over 500 feet away from the building. The code states that if the building is sprinkled, than the hydrant can be 600 feet from the building, sprinkling a residential building is not required until January 1, 2011. Mr. Ryan reported that he will also place a 13,000 tank on the property. MSC: Britton/Williams to approve the requested variance for a sprinkled building if built prior to adopting the new fire codes.
B. Discuss/Approve possibly working with Fire Recovery USA for billing – Clerk Marjie Maddox reported that this company is an alternative way of billing and may possibly be a way to boost revenue; the fees are larger than what we currently charge, so if we decide to go with this company we will have to address our Ordinance. There was discussion to find out how they justify their billing prices and to contact other departments that use this company prior to meeting with a representative from Fire Recovery. MSC: Britton/Owen to invite a representative from Fire Recovery to our next regular meeting.
C. Discuss/Approve Final Budget for the Fiscal year of 2010/2011 – Chairman Howard reported that our budget is approximately $30,000 down from last year due to loss of revenues. The Chief and Clerk forewent their annual cola increase to assist in balancing the budget. Chairman Howard reported that the cola’s and helicopter memberships will be addresses at the mid budget review come December. The Department is looking into supporting half of their helicopter memberships. There was discussion regarding amount allotted towards the apparatus fund this year. MSC: Britton/Owen to approve the 2010/2011 budget as presented.
A. Hazardous Reduction Progress Report: Mr. McMillan reported Firefighters Howard and Hamilton has been working on a few projects, and there are not many jobs coming in. The application for next Title III funding was turned in, the BOS will keep them for 45 days for a public comment period, and then they may accept and approve or disapprove the applications. Mr. McMillan reported how much funding is available and how much each group asked for, the different options the BOS might take was also discussed. If our request is approved, we may be able to start again in full force at the end of fire season. Mr. McMillan was thanked for all of his hard work by Chairman Howard. There was discussion regarding the RCD site requests.
B. Fire Chief/Marshal’s Report: Chief Smith Report:
Inspections – Safety Inspection at Trinity Disability Services, Safety Inspection at the Stamp Mill and Hydrostatic test at the Trinity River Lumber Mill.
Plan Reviews – 3 parcel split off Reservoir Road, wood shed plans on Center Street, addition on Squires Lane, addition on Glen Road, sprinkler plans for the Trinity River Lumber Mill, shed plans on Court Street, garage plans on Mill Street, and shop plans on Easter Avenue.
Hydrants – measured hydrant placement for a building site on Paige Place and responded to a report of a leaking hydrant near the hospital.
Vehicles – E-2112 had its front tires changed, C-2101 had its oil changed and WT-32 had the headset fixed by OES.
Meetings – BOS meeting for fuels reduction, Mr. Howard and Supervisor Morris re the vehicles at Five Cent Gulch, Health Care Committee meeting at the Hospital, Fuels Reduction meeting, CHP luncheon, met with a 7 yr old boy for starting fires, met with Mr. Palmer and Mr. Silvers regarding the vehicles at Five Cent Gulch, met with Mr. Hedtkey regarding soil under the abandoned vehicles at Five Cent Gulch and met with Marjie for her mid-term evaluation.
C. Assistant Fire Chief’s Report: Assistant Chief Alvord reported that he was glad to be home, he reported that he has a training log created for the rest of the year.
D. Sleeper Program Reports: Sleeper Hamilton reported that he will be helping Sleeper Heryford when he gets ready to fix the floors and he has been keeping up on his chores.
E. Committee Reports
a. Recruitment Committee – None, Chairman Howard reported that he is now able to perform background checks.
b. Collections Committee – None
c. Contract Committee – None
d. Budget Committee – Remove from the agenda
e. Director Reports – Mr. Owen requested that Mr. Hammer be present during a meeting that we invite the Fire Recovery USA to.
IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Firefighter Howard reported the Volunteer Fire Department will be working on the haunted house/smoke maze this year; they will be looking for donations and decorations. They would like to be added to next months board agenda. The department does not want to charge people to attend the haunted house; they will be looking in the community for donations to defer an admission price. Mr. Britton reported that we do need people to volunteer to help with the spaghetti fund raiser; there is also a car wash fundraiser for Serena this Saturday at TCLS.
V. CORRESPONDENCE: Trinity County submitted a list of tax defaulted properties.
VII. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1806 hours.
Approved: October 5, 2010
______________________________ _____________________________
Steve Howard, Chairman Marjie Maddox, Clerk